Casablanca (1942)

Of all the DVD players in all the libraries in the world, Casablanca ended up in mine. While Rick was so noble, and sacrificed so much, I barely sacrificed an afternoon, and would happily do so again in my noble pursuit of potato chips. This was a good film. I liked the characters, I liked the premise, although when I think of refugees crossing the Mediterranean to escape a war, I don’t picture such a polished and well-to-do crowd of desperate people. But it was a different time.

A time when you don’t ever not have a drink in your hand, and bars didn’t need to serve food, apparently. When you’re running from the Nazis, food is too cumbersome a luxury, but do not leave behind your champagne and gin cocktail.

Not only is Casablanca set during World War 2, this film came out in World War 2 and used that war time news to leverage itself into a place where it would succeed. It was filmed in the USA though, so don’t think the Moroccan markets in the film reflect reality. The silk is far more colourful in real life. In fact, Casablanca is filmed at parts of Mos Eisley, which doesn’t amount to a hill of beans really, but it is where other classic films films like Conan, Raiders, and Spaceballs were shot.

Although I had never seen this film before, watching it was like going through the attic and finding an old photo of some relative and realizing they look exactly like your brother. You’ve never seen that person before, but the recognition is intense. Casablanca had so many scenes and lines and songs that are embedded in our culture so deeply (some of them being cliché and cheesy) I recognized the movie on some collective social level.



Did I like Casablanca?                                    I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Would I watch it again?                               Play it again, Sam.

Would I recommend it to others?             Round up the usual suspects.


So, that would be Yes to all 3… and if you were paying attention, we’ll always have Paris.

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